SPREZZATURA is my favorite word. At its base level, it means nonchalance. It describes the art of doing something difficult with the greatest of ease.
Art without (apparent) effort.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Phase II continues: two happy guys cruising Denver

My education continues. Today Doug took me to the Cherry Creek Mall, where I just walked and stared in amazement at all of the high end products on display and all of the high end retail devices that are used to sell them to the public. It has been quite awhile since I've been in a mall. I have probably never been in a mall as elegant as the Cherry Creek Mall. I found myself wanting to buy something just to celebrate the occasion. Fortunately, I resisted. One thing, though, they had screamer music playing rather loud throughout the mall. It seems that we Americans can't do anything without canned music blasting at us from all directions. Maybe now that I only have one kidney I'm not as resilient and forgiving as I should be; maybe I'll even become a crotchety old curmudgeon. It could happen.

The photographs included in this post show the two pilgrims at the Denver Botanic Gardens. That's me in the red shirt, and Doug Brew in the blue shirt. I'm a real imposter whenever I go to a place that specializes in plants. I just walk around and try to look like I know what I'm seeing, and I stop to snap photos from time to time. These gardens have an architectural beauty that even I can appreciate. That gives me some legitimacy. Fortunately the weather changed for the better today, and we were able to have lunch outside, and then wander through a few of the exhibits. Eating is starting to interest me more and more each day.

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